
Thank you for being the first to stop by! I have been thinking about launching a website for a very long time, and finally decided to face my fear and do it. It's a very scary thing to put yourself out there, but what the heck, it's an adventure.

My hope is that through this website you are able to get to know me a little, and maybe learn about what yoga can do for you. Each time I practice - meditation, physical poses, or just taking a deep breathe, I am reminded that the yoga works. Physically, mentally, and emotionally it has helped me greatly, and I aspire to inspire others to feel better in their body every day.

Lots more to come - details on the benefits of yoga, scientific evidence, not-so scientific evidence, practical tips for you to practice at home and in the office, inspirational readings, opportunities to practice together, and how to work with those darn cranky hamstrings (I can't be the only one!)